2016 Annual Report Home
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Text-to-911: Allows for simple text messages to be sent to public safety call centers—also known as public safety answering points (PSAPs)—in an emergency. A tremendous safety feature available across the district to anyone, but especially:
- Hard-of-hearing, deaf, and speech impaired individuals
- Anyone who feels it is not safe to speak in an emergency
More info on calling and texting 911.
Relocation of Carrollton Emergency Call Center: Dispatch operations were moved to the North Texas Emergency Communications Center to enhance public safety collaboration with neighboring jurisdictions.
Backup PSAP Redesign: Denco's backup Public Safety Answering Point ("emergency call center") was updated for enhanced emergency operations and a more realistic training environment for 9-1-1 telecommunicators.
CALEA Accreditation: Denco's Training Program is the first and ONLY non-law enforcement entity certified by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies focused on the instruction of 9-1-1 telecommunicators.
GIS Dataset for Mapping Purposes: Multi-jurisdiction coordination of geographic information system (GIS) data leads to increased mapping accuracy and readiness for future 9-1-1 call routing technology.
Recruiting Program for Telecommunicators: A new Recruiting Program provides enhanced, centralized screening tools for hiring by the PSAPs Denco supports. Denco provided mass media advertising, assistance at job fairs, and supplemental materials describing a career as a 9-1-1 telecommunicator.
Kari’s Law: Efforts during the 84th Legislature resulted in a new law requiring the direct dialing of 9-1-1 from a multi-line phone system (e.g. hotels, motels, businesses). No other digits, such as “9”, are required to get an outside line. Read more
New Annex: 9-1-1 operational continuity against fires, floods, and tornados will be realized through the construction of the Annex. Design efforts began in 2016, with anticipation of construction starting in 2017.
Learn more about the core services Denco provides.